New Study Reveals Dementia Risk in Former Fitbaers Nae Linked tae Lifestyle Factors

New Study Reveals Dementia Risk in Former Fitbaers No Linked tae Lifestyle Factors

New Study Reveals Dementia Risk in Former Fitbaers Nae Linked tae Lifestyle Factors

In a grundbrakin study led by consultant neuropathologist Professor Willie Stewart fae the University o Glesga, researchers hae uncovered aat lifestyle factors commonly associated wi dementia dinna contribute tae the heichened risk observed in former professional fitbaers. E findins, published in JAMA Netwark Open, challenge previous assumptions aboot e connection atween health habits an neurodegenerative diseases in sports.

E investigation drew data fae the electronic health records o nearly 12,000 former fitba players an a comparable group o ower 35,000 controls fae the Scottish population. Key risk factors for dementia, sic as smokin, depression, diabetes, an obesity, wur analysed. Surprisingly, e results indicated aat these factors wur either similar or even laaer amang e former players fan compared tae the control group.

Iss research expands on earlier studies, notably the 2019 report demonstratin aat ex-fitbaers are 3.5 times mair likely tae dee fae neurodegenerative diseases. Follaein this, a 2021 study heilichtit a direct link atween e duration o professional careers an increased dementia risk, wi langer careers correlatin wi a fivefold increase in e likelihood o neurodegenerative conditions.

Professor Stewart emphasised e importance o these findins, statin, “Oor latest results suggest e relationship atween heicher rates o neurodegenerative disease amang former professional fitbaers isna driven by those wider general health an lifestyle factors.” He advocates aat fyle addressin lifestyle risks is important, e priority should centre on minimisin exposure tae repetitive heid impacts an traumatic brain injuries durin sportin activities.

E implications o this study are significant, caain for enhanced strategies tae manage heid injuries an mitigate dementia risks in contact sports. Wi fundin fae organisations sic as e Fitba Association, e Professional Fitbaers Association, an national health entities, iss research heilichts e urgent need for ongaan evaluation an prevention strategies in sports tae protect athletes’ lang-term health.