• Rewildin in Aberdeenshire: A Beacon o Hope for the Environment an Local Communities

    Rewildin in Aberdeenshire is a sparklin example o hoo nature can thole an thrive whaan gien the chance. The latest trends in rewildin in the region include a muckle rise in jobs created by rewildin projects, wi’ a 400% rise in job opportunities at various sites in the Highlands since 2008. This reflects a growin…

  • Sudan Conflict: A Year o Struggle

    Efter a year o conflict in Sudan, the situation bides dire, wi ower 8 million fowk, hauf o wha are weans, facin acute food insecurity. The conflict haes caused extreme shortages o essential resources like fuid, watter, medicine, an fuel, impactin near 18 million fowk. Humanitarian access haes been sair restricted due tae intense violence…

  • Airticle Ane

    Central Scots