E latest Scottish Health Survey results, released on November 12, 2024, reveal a concernin health crisis in Scotland as …

E latest Scottish Health Survey results, released on November 12, 2024, reveal a concernin health crisis in Scotland as ...

E latest Scottish Health Survey results, released on November 12, 2024, reveal a concernin health crisis in Scotland as nearly een-third o adults are noo livin wi obesity. E figure his risen tae 32%, markin a significant increase frae 24% recorded in 2003, indicatin a warryin trend ower e past twa decades.

Iss latest survey reveals nae ainly obesity trends bit insichts intae various health-relatit issues affectin adults ower Scotland an aa. Alarmingly, feed insecurity his surged, wi 14% o adults reportin difficulties in accessin sufficient feed, up fae 9% in 2021. Iss represents e heichest level o feed insecurity recorded syne e initiation o the survey in 2017.

Mairower, fyle e eese o e-cigarettes haes gained traction, 12% o adults are noo utilisin vapin devices – an increase frae 10% in 2022. E heichest usage wis noted amang younger adults aged 16-24, far e prevalence raxed 22%.

Conversely, hazardous drinkin his seen a significant decline. E latest figures show aat 20% o adults noo drink at risky levels, compared tae 34% back in 2003. Notably, loons are twice as likely tae engage in hazardous drinkin than quines, wi 28% o men an 14% o wimen admittin tae harmfu consumption.

Mental health indicators present a mair mixed picture. E average Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbein (WEMWBS) score rose tae 48.9 in 2023, up frae 47.0 in e previous year. Fooanivver, 21% o adults exhibited signs o potential psychiatric disorders, consistent wi levels seen in 2021, follaein a spike tae 27% in 2022.

Laneliness remains a persistent issue, wi 10% o adults reportin feelins o laneliness maist or aa the time. Iss figure is pairticularly pronoonced amang young adults ages 16-24 (19%) an thae residin in e maist deprived areas (14%).

E survey heilichts a growin prevalence o lang-term health conditions, fit stands at 38% amang adults. Altho the rate o cardiovascular disease amang adults remains stable at 15%, e prevalence o lang COVID is a growin concern, affectin 8% o adults an 2% o bairns, revealin a merked increase syne previous years.

Regairdin health trainin, ower haaf o the adults, 57%, hae pairticipated in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) trainin at some pynt, fyle 18% hae bin trained in e last twa years.

Furthermair, e report indicated aat aboot 15% o adults are current smokers, unchynged frae 2022. Drug eese his remained steady as weel, wi 14% o adults reportin they used drugs ithin e past year. E figure is heichest amang thae aged 16–34, far it ranges atween 26% tae 27%.

E findins frae e 2023 Scottish Health Survey pent a complex picture o health in Scotland, showcasin baith alarmin trends an areas o improvement. E statistics serve as a caa tae action for health organisations an policymakkers tae address risin obesity rates, feed insecurity, an mental health challenges tae improve oweraa weelbein in e population. E fu results an key indicators are accessible via the Scottish Health Survey Dashboard, providin valuable insichts for NHS health boards an local authorities.