Scottish Organisations Unite Against National Insurance Hike

Scottish Organisations Unite Against National Insurance Hike

Scottish Organisations Unite Against National Insurance Hike

A coalition o 48 public sector an voluntary organisations in Scotland his vyced strang concerns ower e impendin rise in employer National Insurance contributions. Iss increase, set tae tak effect seen, is projected tae impose an additional financial burden o up tae £700 million on thae deliverin public services ower e nation.

In a unified letter addressed tae UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves, First Minister John Swinney an COSLA President Shona Morrison hae cried for urgent fundin tae offset thae costs. E letter heilichts e pressin need for clarity as e Scottish Budget approaches its final stages.

Swinney expressed gratitude tae the organisations rallyin thegither, statin, “We are disappynted aat e UK Government did nae engage wi the Scottish Government on e chynge tae employers National Insurance Contributions. We are concerned aboot e additional pressure it places on aa employers.” He emphasised e risk tae vital services if thae costs are nae fully funded.

E letter his garnered support fae a wide array o groups, includin e Scottish Trades Union Congress an e Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. These organisations stress e importance o financial support tae maintain e essential services they provide tae communities.

As e clock ticks doon tae the budget’s passage, e cry for clarity an reconsideration o the National Insurance increase grows louder. E implications o this decision cuid resonate deeply, affectin nae ainly the organisations but e communities they serve throuoot Scotland.

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